
Come and Sing unto the Lord [CD] - BYU Singers

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BYU Singers’ debut album under conductor Dr. Andrew Crane combines classical and contemporary sacred choral music in a variety of styles. From English Renaissance to American hymns to bluegrass, the choir inspires with its trademark beautiful sound, sparkling precision, and expressive artistry.

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Based on Psalm 95; Molly Ijames

Luke 1:46–47, 49; Heinrich von Herzogenberg

Michael Hampel (based on Proverbs 8); Will Todd

Johann Schutz, trans. Frances E. Cox; Bohemian Brethren’s Kirchengesänge; arr. Brent Wells

John Hugh McNaughton; arr. Brent Wells

Horatio Spafford; Philip Bliss; arr. Brent Wells

Revelation 5:5, 12; Peter Philips

John Redford; Thomas Morley

Saint Ambrose, trans. John Mason Neale, James Ambrose Dominic Aylward; Andrej Makor

Ivo Antognini

Richard Alldridge, Eliza R. Snow; Joseph Coslett; arr. Jacob Hasler

American folk song; arr. Russell Mauldin, Josh McPheeters

Until We Meet Again (An Irish Blessing)
Ambrož Čopi


Producers: Andrew Crane with Sandefur Schmidt
Executive producer: Ben Fales
Recording and mixing engineer: Jeff Carter
Editing and mastering engineer: Troy Sales
Graphic designer: Olivia Knudsen
Editor: Lena Harper
Cover art: Olivia Knudsen
Photograph of BYU Singers: Sandefur Schmidt

Tantara Records is a division of the School of Music and the College of Fine Arts and Communications at Brigham Young University.